HRH the Crown Prince and Prime Minister issues Edict 54 of 2021

His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, today issued Edict 54 of the year 2021, amending some provisions of the Executive Regulation of Decree-Law 48 of the year 2010 promulgating the Civil Service Law, issued by Edict 51 of 2012.

Article (1):

The text of item (5) of the first paragraph of Article (18) of the Executive Regulation of Decree-Law 48 of 2010 promulgating the Civil Service Law, issued by Edict (51) of 2012 shall be replaced by the following:

“5) The secondment shall be for a period of one (1) year that can be renewed for a maximum period of three (3) years. Exceptionally, the secondment may be renewed for periods not exceeding in total three times this period In order to perform the tasks of the shared services.”

Article (2):

The term “Bureau” shall replace the term “Bureau” wherever mentioned in the Executive Regulation of Decree-Law 48 of 2010 promulgating the Civil Service Law, issued by Edict (51) of 2012.

Article (3):

Two articles, (26 bis) and (30 bis) shall be added to the Executive Regulation of Decree-Law 48 of 2010 promulgating the Civil Service Law, issued by Edict (51) of 2012.

Article (26 bis):

1- The remote work policy may be applied, in jobs whose tasks can be performed remotely, as determined by the relevant authority after the approval of the Bureau.

2- The remote work policy shall be applied in cases of exceptional circumstances to achieve precautionary purposes, as decided by the concerned authorities.

3- The Bureau shall issue the necessary instructions for the remote work policy, and the employee shall abide by all the obligations imposed by law in a way that does not conflict with the nature of remote work.

Article (30 bis):

The employee’s sick leave balance shall be calculated on the basis of days, not hours, and the employee may be granted sick leave with hours for less than a full working day, in accordance with the regulations set by the Bureau.

The Ministers, the President of the Civil Service Bureau, and those concerned, each within their capacity, shall implement the provisions of this Edict which comes into force upon its publication in the Official Gazette.

Source: Bahrain News Agency